It's Sunday. Football Sunday, in USA argot. This afternoon it will be decided. The big question - dangling from the branches of THIS Family Tree - "Will the Bears and the STEELERS go to the Super Bowl?" (Pictured here is my jubilant sister, Eileen celebrating the STEELERS win of the 2009 Super Bowl) Having raised four wonderful sons, all of whom suffered from but one flaw, ie, they were Browns fans, she was understandibly ebullient. And for reasons good and sufficient, I'm sure, my son Ross, born & raised in Virginia, educated @ JMU, is a Bears fan. (Just can't seem to find a snapshot. I, too, am a STEELERS fan.) Only time will tell - but I dare use the olde saw, I hope the STEELERS 'HAVE THE TONY'. Later, Lorane. . . .