Wednesday, October 3, 2012

I Never Promised You a Bell Jar

        Today's humble missive is brought to you by the emotion "intimidation".  I attended a three-day conference hosted by the Hampton Roads Writers.  The speakers/workshop leaders - stellar all - left me emotionally and psychically eviscerated.
        Inspiring, experienced and talented people addressed us and remained totally approachable and helpful throughout.  I purchased a different book for each of my six grandchildren and the authors graciously wrote personal notes to each child.  The children are avidly enjoying their treasures.
        I, on the other hand, have been reduced to a non-writing (nary a word in ten days until this drivel), ex-aspiring creator of interesting prose who now titles perfunctory entries in her blog with blatantly mixed metaphors and meandering ramblings.
        What can I say, dears, after I've said, "I'm sorry.".
Later, Lorane. . . .

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