Friday, January 17, 2014

Oye, NOW What?

       If you seem to be having difficulty discerning the words in this saying, you must be frustrated.  Frustration is a feeling that we all like to avoid.  Imagine, then, how fervently I prayed for this avoidance over the past few days.  The cause was seemingly simple.  I had inquired about employment and apparently the prospective employer misunderstood the type of work I was seeking.
       I had asked if there were opportunities to write blogs or feature articles.  For some reason, which remains a mystery, this respected employer thought I had inquired about employment as an editor.  Consequently, I have been deluged with a spate of emails from people all over the country who seem to be in dire need of editing.
       In that I had used his blog to announce my intention of seeking employment and the response was positive and sent in a timely manner, I decided to once again use this forum.  Mr. Scott, I have no desire whatsoever to be an editor.  Indeed, it is my hope that in a short while I will have a need for one.  Therefore, if you have occasion to see and read this missive, kindly change the category of employment that I had sent to you.
       I have emailed this same information to you.  But in that my e-mail experience of late has been frustrating to the point of ulcer formation, I felt there was no harm and perhaps actually benefit in posting the same message.  I trust this was an honest misunderstanding and I certainly feel no animus toward you or your organization.  I'm also quite certain that you feel your job was done in an efficient manner and are pleased with the army of clients that are responding.
       In other words, you must be quite comfortable.  Doubtless there are no ulcers in your future.  In fact, there are many people like yourself who avoid his malady but are in fact carriers.  I doubt you are even aware of this curious and potentially damaging ability.  It might be in your best interest therefore, to heighten your awareness of the effect you may be having on coworkers, friends and loved ones.
       Although it has been said by the well known sage Oscar Wilde, "It is wiser to remain silent and be thought ignorant than to speak and remove all doubt", in this instance, silence on my part would have led to mounting frustration, an enormous waste of time and energy on the part of people who would rather be having their work edited, and an unnecessary overload in my inbox.
       Although it was said by the bard, "Sleep, that knits up the raveled sleeve of care", I have endured several sleepless nights in an effort to find a way of correcting this problem.  It is hoped that in several days I will be rested and can say ringingly, another of the bard's prophetic phrases, "All's well that ends well".
Later, Lorane. . . .

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